Heenan Photography
"Heenan Photography" was established by Tom Heenan in 2012 as a means of sharing his nature and landscape photography, following interest in his photos. This website is intended to share Tom's photography and photo-related news, including exhibitions. It will also provide information on prints and other products as these become available. To find out more about purchasing prints, please visit the Buy page. If you'd like to see some examples of Tom's work, visit the Gallery.The Photographer - Tom Heenan
Tom is a Photographer, Ranger and Martial Artist. He grew up in the Epping Forest area, and can often be found exploring the Forest and its ancient trees. Tom studied Zoology at University in Wales, and has been working and volunteering in nature conservation since graduating, for example working as a Ranger in Scotland and in Essex. Photography has been a natural outlet for his passion and knowledge.Tom has had photos published in magazines and online, and in 2012 began working to make photo prints available to the public. His focus is on Nature and Landscape Photography, especially with so much inspiration around him at work and in his local area. Tom exhibited in Buckhurst Hill for three months in 2013, in partnership with the local Parish Council. The Buckhurst Hill exhibition also included a launch event in May 2013. Tom also took part in the 2013 High Beach Exhibition, and ran a stall at the annual Epping Forest Working Woodland Day that year too. Phew!
You can find out more about what Tom is up to outside of photography by visiting the Nature Conservation and Travel Blog "A Ranger, Ranging Far".